Position Acceptance

Position Acceptance

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."

Well, I am officially settled into my new life. I went through the check in process and casting yesterday and it was surprisingly very quick and easy. I think the process for me too about 2 and a half hours. I started at 9, and was back with my parents again by 11:30. Today is pretty much a lazy day for me to relax. I have a housing meeting at 4, but other than that I am staying in the apartment and trying to adjust to being away from my family.

I knew I was going to have some homesickness, and it hit me shortly after my parents left. I had called to talk to them a few hours after they left and my dad answered his phone and told me that my mom was driving and they had been on the road about 3 hours. At that point I had to hold back tears because I was officially farther away from my family than I was at college. It hit me even harder today when I called to ask a question and found out that they were in Ohio, about 14 hours away. I am ready to start my training and begin working.

Getting past the homesickness part, I am excited to announce that I will be working in the Magic Kingdom! That was my dream location because depending on the time of day I work, I can watch the fireworks and castle lighting, or parades while I am doing my job. I am excited to get my pass after traditions on Thursday to get into the parks and explore all they have to offer. I start my training this week also on Friday and Saturday and then have a little break to go and play around and take pictures of the parks.

My roommates are awesome. We have a one bedroom apartment in the commons with a bunk bed in it. I am on the bottom bunk. We spent most of last night just sitting in our common area just talking and laughing and getting to know each other. That really helped me with my homesickness, although I still can't wait for my parents to come back out and visit already. Well, I guess I am going to get off for now and go relax. 2 days down, 229 to go for this adventure. :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter."

Hello again Everyone. :)

It's been a few weeks since I actually sat down and wrote up a blog post. Today I am down to the final 11 days before I make the 25 hour drive to my temporary home away from home, Disney World. I have been keeping myself busy with schoolwork, finishing my exams, and now bugging my mom while my sister is at school. As far as Disney things go, I have finished my paperwork and began to slowly pack up my boxes and bags to make sure I have everything ready to.

I may be getting excited about working at the happiest place on earth, but the stress is beginning to get to me the same way it did my first year of college. After everyone is in bed I find myself thinking about how I will be missing my sister's black belt testing for Tae Kwon do, and going to Teal Lake to see the fireworks with my family. I will be missing nighttime campfires and grilling, birthdays, family visits and more. I know that I am going to have the time of my life at Disney, but at this moment I go back and forth between "Yay! I get to work for Disney! This is going to look great on a resume. Etc." to "What in the world am I doing? How am I going to make it on my own? Will my family forget about me?" I know perfectly well that I am going to great in Florida and am going to make the most of the opportunity, and my family is not going to forget about me in the 7 months.

I am constantly reminded of a message that my intro to business professor talked to us about. She told us about a time where she went skydiving and almost didn't jump, but ended up having the time of her life. She told us that in life we should put ourselves in situations where we normally wouldn't go in. In these situations we will learn more about who we are and grow more than in any other situation. For me that situation is Disney. I have always been a quiet person who doesn't like to be noticed. I would rather sit quietly in the back of the room and get through school easily. I wanted to put myself in a working situation while still in college to see how I could handle it. I also wanted to put myself away from my family and try to work on my homesickness as well.

I am looking forward to working for my dream company and also working through some issues with homesickness that I may have. I figured my nerves were going to start up eventually, but I will not be letting them get the better of me. I am going to succeed in my program and learn so much about myself, working, and how I can relate my experiences back to my degree, plus, this is my first time in Disney World and I am going to make as many magical experiences for myself and others around me as I can.

Well, that's about all that has been happening lately. Now I just have a lot of packing, printing, and final preparations to deal with as I get closer to leaving. I hope to post more once things start to get more eventful and exciting, but I wanted to make sure I kept my family friends from near and far up to date on how I was feeling and what I was up to.